
Mission Think, at its core, is a Passion Project. This entity exists to plant and spread seeds of thought-provoking positivity in the world. Mission Think aims to unify human-kind, in a non-political way, to any degree possible; while promoting free, independent thinking. All while valuing: Truth, Love, and Presence.

This is the philosophy of Mission Think.


Mission Think is local to Wilmington, North Carolina and is currently a team of one. My name is Miles, and this project has been an important and enjoyable part of my life since summer of 2022. From designing stickers, shirts, bags, and websites, to running social media pages; I couldn’t be happier with how far things have come, and how positive feedback has been. As of now, all of Mission Think’s products are designed by me, with occasional help from local artists. I manually print, package and ship all garments that are ordered, as well as manually shape, package and ship all rings. With that being said, sometimes delays occur, and I ask for your understanding and patience, as an order can take up to three weeks to get to you.


Thank you for reading, and may we plant seeds of thought-provoking positivity in this world, freeing minds and opening hearts, to help unify the divided.

Have a nice day.

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