Notes to self
Gratitude makes life Heaven.
True faith moves mountains.
Faith and belief are related, but they are not the same thing. Belief can be weak, True Faith can be nothing but strong.
Accept reality > Welcome Gods Will: After years of knowing the idea of accepting reality, the thought has evolved, to Welcoming Gods Will. This feels like a healthy evolution.
Believing leads to seeing. Not the other way around.
Exercising discipline is beneficial. Cutting out the thinking before action. Same for courage.
Gut feelings, dreams, & sparks of energy are signals. Recognize them.
Truth and Good are often quiet. Evil screams.
Opportunity knocks, rarely lingers.
It's not about what you can get. It's about what you can give.
Responsibility gives meaning gives fulfilment.
Sleep is very enjoyable.
The quality of your experience is a mental choice. Heaven or Hell, I don't think there is much in between.
If you go forward, everything else will find you. The only way to fail is inaction.
Wu-Wei is not inaction, but effortless action, non-forcing.
Acknowledge your emotions, but do not let them dictate your actions. Watch them enter your mind, see them, look at them; and then choose what to do.
Being sincere and authentic is Good. For yourself, and others, and the world. And the mind. Better to be hated for your true self, than loved for a false one.
If someone steals your shirt, give them your jacket.
Fight fire with water. If someone is harsh, be kind. Recognize the source of their actions, they are probably hurting.
If you have, then give. What else is the point of having? To hoard and die? That's a waste, you can't take it with you. Share your excess with others.
Going to bed early, and getting up early, is nice. Starting the day with some discipline is also nice.
Don’t sit too much in the past or the future. Get back to the present. Don’t get too ahead of yourself.
Be expectationless. This does not mean to expect nothing, but to not expect anything.
Comparison is the thief of joy. Appreciate what sets you apart, instead of criticizing it. Others will follow.
Life is a blessing. Every moment you get to experience, you are lucky to. Appreciate it accordingly.
Don't live as if you might die one day. Live as if you certainly will die one day.
Remember, for each person you see, and thing you do, there will be a last time. Take nothing for granted.
True faith makes anything possible. If you're certain of something which is "uncertain" according to traditional ways of thinking; to the extent that questioning it or wondering, is far beyond your consideration, then you are right.
The way to live is to Welcome Gods Will and all that is and comes and goes. Not just accept, but welcome.
To worry about the judgments of others, is a reflection of your own judgments. And it is you and your mind that needs changing, not them.
All that comes to you, is a reflection of what comes out of you. There is a difference between only doing what you love, and always loving what you do.
All you have, all you have control of, and all that matters, are your thoughts. How you choose to think. The rest happens around that, and not a single thing can change, but thoughts, and reality will transform.
Instead of fearing judgments, welcome them. Instead of fearing experiences, welcome them. Instead of fearing fear or sadness, welcome them. Do what Nature demands. Welcome what Nature delivers.
Remain curious, be dynamic, pursue quality.
Do not judge others, welcome them. Every student in the classroom must exist.
God is Good.
Everything happens as its meant to.
Acknowledge and receive lessons when you're given them.
People pull you toward them, up or down.
Eat whole foods, hydrate, sleep 8 hours. See what problems remain.
There is no such thing as an essential carb.
Where you are most curious, creative ideas come to life.
Reality/Nature: Beautifully Simple, incomprehensibly complex. Deeply ordered, chaotic. Perfect, Perfectionless. Everything and nothing. Free will, fate. Light and Dark. They aren’t at war, they’re in a dance. They need each other.
An empty cup is most valuable.
Face fears, don’t run away from them. When you face them, they shrink. When you run away from them, they grow.
Keep your word.
Resist Newspeak.
Sticks and stones can break bones. Words will never hurt. People get offended by words, that is their choice, and should not enable them to control others. Don't let others control your words, and don't let words hurt you.
Awareness and consciousness makes you free.
Chains have a way of convincing you that they're making you more free, because you choose to wear them. But they are weighing you down, and holding you back, and lying to you. You will see once you distance yourself from them.
The less you need, the freer you are.
You have everything you need.
No difference between living one more day or one hundred more years. Right now is all you will ever have. Live accordingly.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Otherwise, what is the point?
If you are working to improve something, and you either care about that role, or care about the thing you're improving. That is not "work", nor miserable. That is purpose and good.
Treat yourself with respect. Treat others with respect.
Being your best self, is the best thing you could do for everyone around you.
An act being selfish, does not make the act bad. Selfish, is just prioritizing self.
Simple is Good.
Less is More.
Left and Right. Light and Dark, Yes and No. One does not exist without the other.
If you do something/anything sincerely, people will support you.
Anything with a price on it will sell.
Don't hesitate, there is no point. You, nor your preparations, nor the conditions, will ever be perfect. Why are you taking for granted your time right now? Tomorrow is not promised. There will be a last day, and you will not know when. Act now.
Do anything and you will progress. The only thing to avoid is inaction.
Even if you fail, good job. 1. you acted, it's easy to do nothing. 2. You learned much more than if you had succeeded.
The smart play dumb. The wealthy look poor. The strong cover up. The more you have, the less you need.
Get in the habit of doing. Have an idea? Do something about it. Strengthening this, will enable much growth.
Strengthen your discipline and courage. By exercising them regularly. This combined with the habit of doing, will enable you to do anything.
Strengthen your faith. Faith in God/The Universe/Nature/All things. Faith in yourself and abilities. This will make anything possible and everything good.
Strengthen your gratitude. Get better at seeing/acknowledging that which you are grateful for. This will make life Heaven.
God is not a bad word.
Look around and be grateful. Count your blessings everyday, as they are all around you. This will make life Heaven.
Be grateful for even the things you dislike, be grateful for your enemies, be grateful for your pain. Just like failure is to success; these things will teach you much greater lessons than the things you like, your friends, or pleasure.
Trust people first. Give them a chance to be honest and good, you may be surprised just how honest and good people are when they are not first judged. People can sense your judgments, waive them and see the good pour out of people. Until someone gives you good reason not to trust them, trust them.
Consume less, Create more.
Consume less poisons, hydrate, get enough rest. Many of your problems will go away.
The mind is fresh in the morning.
Everything is a mental choice. Heaven or Hell. To be offended or grateful. Hurting or learning.
What you focus on, and what you emit, will determine what you will attract/find.
You discover thoughts, you don't create them. You find them.
With proper diet (whole foods), good hydration (near clear pee), rest (8+ hours sleep), gratitude, and faith, the body will do extraordinary things.
Stop complaining.
Use your time alive to create, and provide for others, and enjoy others. Get enough rest, and do not over work yourself to the extent of tarnishing the quality. But do not pursue doing nothing and lounging in that. That is a waste of life.
Stop chasing pleasure so much.
Be consistent, and reliable. Keep your word and speak the truth. Hold yourself accountable.
Acknowledge why you’re doing something. If it is worth doing, then it is worth doing right.
The worst things that happen to you in life, with time and reflection, often become the best things that ever happened. They teach you the biggest lessons. They impact and change you.
One thing at a time.
Fibonacci sequence; 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21… is a glimpse at the deep order of Nature/Reality.
There is no such thing as coincidence.
“Coincidence” is simply an unrecognized pattern.
Let go.
Read one book one thousand times, before you read one thousand books once.
You must let go to acquire.
Your true self is revealed not when surrounded by others, but when no one is around. That is the self you should be most focused on.
Seek and you shall find.
Not doing something bad, is better than doing it in moderation. So don’t use moderation as an excuse to do something you’re better off not doing.
Lead by example.
No man is worth idolization. Be weary of household names.
You will be forgiven as much as you forgive. You will be judged as much as you judge.
Do not signal your virtues, do not scream your achievements. Be humble or you will be humbled.
Do not mock others. You should admire someone who admits their ignorance, same for someone who is authentic.
A little acknowledgment goes a long way.
Be authentic.
Pick your battles.
Actions speak.
Be reliable.
Be honest.
Exercise Grace.
Forgive and release.
You must let go in order to grab the next thing. Everything has a price, comes at a cost. Choose wisely, and sacrifice accordingly.
Your gut feelings, authentic efforts, first try's, are always right. Stop forcing, at let it flow naturally.
Remember wu-Wei. The more you try, the less you succeed. Stop fighting things, and the fight will end. Sail, don’t swim.
Honesty, Faith, and Gratitude are some of the most powerful/important things that exist.
Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig
Lila - Robert Pirsig
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Letters from a Stoic - Seneca
Discourses and Selected Writings - Epictetus
Tao te Ching - Lao Tsu
1984 - George Orwell
The Bible